The Denture Crafters of Canada
We firmly believe that it is possible to enhance care in all fields of study by using multiple opinions and perspectives. Denture Crafters of Canada is designed to realize that benefit as fully as possible in our specialized field of denturism. Through a combination of shared, specialized knowledge and careful, diligent effort, we have the assurance that we provide optimal care to our patients.
Each of our members contributes to our broad base of knowledge. As a specialized team, we diligently analyze all cases to advance our craft and to meet the highest standards of patient care.
We consider it part of our professional responsibility to answer questions and consult on issues from care providers worldwide to advance the practice of removable prosthodontic treatment around the world. We have made it our consistent goal to shoulder the responsibility we bear to patients and professionals with both honor and pride, and to never compromise patient care.
Denture Crafters of Canada takes its name from our professional purpose of enabling denturists throughout Canada to collaborate and share their findings with one other. Although denturism is usually practiced by individual denturists, working singlehandedly, we feel that working alone can cause the loss of a valuable opportunity to benefit from professional collaboration. This organization is designed to give denture care providers a platform to collaborate and have an interchange of information on all areas of denture care, from biomechanical aspects to patient relations. The sharing of this knowledge and experience creates a unique atmosphere that can benefit all participants.
Our absolute priority as professionals is always to meet the patient’s desires and expectations and optimize the patient’s quality of life in the capacity of our practice as much as possible. This standard of patient care is the core of our professional identity and a part of our contribution to society as a firm. We take pride in knowing that we are among the professionals that Canadian society can rely on for removable dental prosthetics, confident that we have done and will continue to do the best we can do as professionals. We always strive to make ourselves pillars for the providing of exceptional care.
We pride ourselves on thorough benevolence that marks every aspect of our practice as we create the prosthetic structures that edentulous patients need. By collaborating to enhance our practice potential, we go above and beyond our duties as denturists to provide optimized care for our patients. The professional identity of both our organization as a whole and our individual members is centered on being caring, competent, and professional specialized care providers. It is for that reason that we proudly call ourselves the Denture Crafters of Canada.